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The Difference Between Groups and Forums

1 min read

Forums are a feature that allows members to ask questions and get answers from the community. A single forum topic is called a discussion. People can reply to discussions. Forums are organized by subject. For instance, there is a recreation forum for asking questions about recreation; a general forum for asking questions that don’t have a category, a forum to introduce yourself, etc. Forums are meant to be relatively static: a single question is asked and members answer that question. When that transaction is done, a member can start a new forum discussion with a new topic or question.

For more information, visit our help doc on everything you need to know about Open Lebo Forums.

Groups are meant to be dynamic pages that have members, activity feeds, photos, documents, subgroups, and forums. Groups are organized around a subject and are meant to be collaborative. The activity feed of a group continues on in chronological order. A group forum has topics related to that group only.

For more information, visit our help doc on joining social groups.

You can also checkout this short video showing you the difference between groups and forums on